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Born in 1989 in the area of Aarhus, married to Line and together with their 4 children they recently moved back to Hjortshøj, the place where it all started.

After living in Copenhagen for a number of years and working in special education, Christian has been working at Ikast Håndbold since the summer of 2022 until 2024. As Kasper Christensen's assistant, he has daily responsibilities during training and match preparation for the League and Champions Leagues matches. Since the season 24/25 Christian started in Team Esbjerg, to assist Tomas Axner and getting even more responsibilties. Which we can see during trainings and time outs. Working with stars like Henny Reistad and Nora Mørk benefits him a lot in his daily work. 

In daily life he tries to maintain his physical condition through running and fitness. But his biggest hobby is coffee. Christian has elevated not only drinking, but especially making a good cup of coffee to an art.




Assistant Coach

I’m a very structured person which comes to show in my work. I see my self as dutiful, reliable, strategic and a hardworking employee. I put an honor into my work but also with an eye for my surroundings as players and staff members, and at the same time also important for me to reach goals.
It’s necessary for me to set high goals and standards of my work, and to strive for the better detail or method. I’m open for new ideas and especially if it has a starting point of data. I’m driven by achieving (sub)goals and in intense matches I can be vigorous but with serenity.


Diploma Cat 3 EHF Rinck Convention - Jun 2023

Danish Handball Federation, Brøndby

Testkursus 1+2  Mar 2022 - Jun 2022

Danish Handball Federation, Brøndby

Prof. kursus  Jun 2021 - Jun 2021

Danish Handball Federation, Brøndby

Teacher  Aug 2011 - Jun 2015

University UUC Zahle, Copenhagen

Sports and English

Sports student  Aug 2009 - Dec 2009

Idrætshøjskolen Aarhus, Risskov

Handball Academy

Gymnasium - Team Denmark student  Aug 2005 - Jun 2009

Risskov, Denmark

Socialstudies, math and English


Daniel Grønhøj
Direktør Ikast Håndbold
+45 31 55 21 20

Kasper Christensen

Head Coach GOG Håndbold

+45 27 59 30 16

Peter Bredsdorff-Larsen

Instructor Prof. kursus, Brøndby
Former ass. coach national team of Denmark - +45 40834733


Assistant coach  July 2024 - now

Team Esbjerg

Assistant coach  July 2022 - Jun 2024

IKAST Håndbold 

Assistant coach  Aug 2018 - Jun 2022

København Håndbold, Copenhagen
Video analysis, head of development of youth players, individual player development and team management

Video analyzer  May 2021 - now

Danish Handball Federation, Brøndby
Mens national team of Beach Handball

Teacher  Nov 2018 - Jun 2021

Skolen Sputnik, CopenhagenTreatment of kids with disabilities and diagnosis

Project leader  Aug 2015 - Nov 2018

Danish Handball Federation, Brøndby
Responsible of Beach Handball and Handball Schools


HEI Håndbold  1994 - Jun 2007
Århus GF  Jul 2007 - Jun 2008
Skanderborg Håndbold  Jul 2008 - Jun 20011
AJAX København  Jul 2011 - Jun 2014

Team Sydhavsøerne  Jul 2014 - Jun 2016
Nordsjælland Håndbold  Jul 2016 - Jun 2018
Beach Handball Nationalteam  Jul 2009 - Jun 2017

Personal Skills











Danish - native


I noticed that I could convey my experience and ideas as a player very well in my role as an assistant. Players soon notice that you think like a player and they experience that as pleasant. Now that I have worked with top coaches such as Claus Mogensen and Kasper Christensen for a number of years, I have learned a lot about what the job of head coach means. I am now ready to stand on my own two feet.



Head coach
Responsible for the team, tactical preparation, trainings, etc.

Assistant coach
Assisting the head coach, preparation, trainings, etc.

Preventive training

Physical trainer
Strength program
Preventive training

Mental coach
Team focus - goals, behavior, communication, understanding differences
Individual focus - being 24h pro


8.30-10.00: Strength training
15.00-17.00: Tactical preparation and handball training

8.30-10.00: Knee stability, sprint jumping and individual training
15.00-17.00: Tactical preparation and handball training

19.00: Match

10.00-12.00 Strength training/cardio

10.00-12.00: Handball training

10.00-12.00: Handball training




I believe in a strong fast break in all phases. It’s really important to win the running game the first 5-15 m from the defending field. If the players can get up on the other half fast enough, then they can slow down and be able to make good decisions. Fast breaks will win games.

I have preferences of an offensive defense, both 3-2-1, 5-1 and 4-2, but of course also with a base of 6-0. It depends of the players competences and physical abilities, and for me there will always be a 6-0 and one or two offensive variations.  

Every attack and defense will be structured with agreements with a connection to the preparation. I like the combination of players who can shoot from distance, but also players who like the one against one the most.

Every player should shoot the best way in the given situation, meaning that if the wing thinks the best shot in a given situation is a spin ball, then I definitely will trust it and back it up. As long there’s a lot of preparation behind the shot. For me it’s about to play smarter and not saver.

As a like a combination of players with shooting og dual abilities (or both), I also think the combination of different age and personal profile is really important. With a variety of different types it will give the team an asset of development. We’re going to need some of each.

The best squad is to have 12-14 fixed players and 4-6 young players who will learn, but also have to chance to play with own year of birth. I like to scout young because there will be a good chance to make the fastest and highest development.

I prepare every game with the same amount of preparations hours. I make a deep analyse of the opponent, which give me the best foundation of giving the most essential informations to the players.

Contact our agents to get more information about


René Cloo

Managing director

Mobile: 0031-624867951

Maura Visser

Players Agent

Mobile: 0031-657166311

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